Monday, 24 March 2008

As the BNP Prepare For the Elections In May so do the REDS

As the BNP prepare for there election campaign for the London elections on 1st of may the reds are also laying down there plans for the run up to the election they have layed down there strategy for mobilising there activists by erecting stalls Hope Not Hate stalls, delivering anti BNP leaflets they are also activily recruiting immigrants and even children of immigrants to join them in there opposition to the BNP.

SearchLight is also highlighting a "Welcome campaighn" which is aimed at reminding londoners that "london is a city of Immigration" and that this is something whith we should celebrate !! they have also described london as being a "World in one City and most of us love it for that very reason" !!

Im not from London myself but from reading alot about it and speaking with several people from London i find it hard to belive that most of the londoners love it for being over run by immigrants !! read the book by melainie phillips "Londonistan" and that will open youre eyes!



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