Monday 24 March 2008

As the BNP Prepare For the Elections In May so do the REDS

As the BNP prepare for there election campaign for the London elections on 1st of may the reds are also laying down there plans for the run up to the election they have layed down there strategy for mobilising there activists by erecting stalls Hope Not Hate stalls, delivering anti BNP leaflets they are also activily recruiting immigrants and even children of immigrants to join them in there opposition to the BNP.

SearchLight is also highlighting a "Welcome campaighn" which is aimed at reminding londoners that "london is a city of Immigration" and that this is something whith we should celebrate !! they have also described london as being a "World in one City and most of us love it for that very reason" !!

Im not from London myself but from reading alot about it and speaking with several people from London i find it hard to belive that most of the londoners love it for being over run by immigrants !! read the book by melainie phillips "Londonistan" and that will open youre eyes!



Friday 4 January 2008

The UK and America are dying

I was thinking lately Both the UK and America are slowly but surely dying from my viewpoint, in the UK for me it’s too late or could it be? The UK’s immigration is through the roof every day you read about immigration is costing more money and how immigrants are taking jobs taking housing taking all the free gifts that this ridiculous excuse for a government is giving them, immigrating to a predominantly white area to me would be the end scenario but one I can honestly see happening.

What can we do? To me we have so much separation in nationalism it is unbelievable but true. My main idea is for nationalist groups to talk out there differences and get together because as one we are useless but together we could be a force until this the future is dim.

The BNP Fear Factor By Paul Harris, Barnsley organiser

“I totally believe in everything the BNP says but I’m not going to join”.
That’s a line I’ve heard many times. If I say to them “why not join if you believe in it – you know it’s the last chance for Britain” I am met with a blank stare. “I’m just not going to join and that’s that”. Of course I know the real reason they’re not going to join. They won’t admit it but they’re scared.

So what are they afraid of? Do they think:-

As soon as they send the form off with their cheque the thought police will descend on their house, arrest them, and cart them off to a secret location for interrogation and torture. They will never see their families again.

As soon as they send the form off with their cheque their friends and family and everyone in the neighbourhood will immediately shun them, treat them like a leper, and want nothing more to do with them.

As soon as they send the form off with their cheque their boss at work will call them into the office and inform them that this company does not employ racists. They will be given their P45, and sent packing. They will then be blacklisted by a secret Government agency and will never work again.

As soon as they send the form off with their cheque they will be attacked in the street by a gang of four burly men who will give them a really good pasting. They will be beaten black and blue and have to spend a month in hospital.

So our potential BNP member decides “I’ll play safe and not join the Party – let someone else do it – I have got to think of myself first”

I joined the Party in December 2002. At that time there was only a handful of members in Barnsley. I don’t have a paranoid bone in my body. Unlike a lot of people I didn’t think for one second that I would be targeted by anyone. After all the BNP is a legally registered political party.

It was only a few months later, when the Party needed a candidate to stand in the May 2003 local elections I put my name forward. I must admit that at that point I felt a certain amount of trepidation. My name would be public as one of the first BNP candidates to stand in Barnsley. There was one other candidate who was standing with me in this election.

So you’re thinking, this guy has had it really hard ever since. He was sacked at work, has been beaten up in the street several times, has no one to call a friend, and is on the black list of just about every Government agency and employer in the country. Well actually – no.

Since I have been a member of the BNP and stood in 3 elections nothing whatsoever has happened to me. I have never lost a job or a friend because of my membership. In fact I have many many more friends than I ever had. At my place of work, which is a big multi-national, American owned company, everyone, including the management, knows I am in the BNP but nothing is said about it.

If someone joins the BNP their name will of course go onto a database of members on the membership department’s computer. This is then emailed to their local Organiser who keeps it on their own computer. This membership list however is treated with the highest level of security. Encryption software is used on all computers. When emailing membership lists PGP encryption software is used. PGP stands for ’Pretty Good Privacy’ but is actually extremely good privacy. It’s military grade encryption, which ironically is used by terrorist organisations to stop the Government intercepting and decoding their communications. It is 100% unbreakable by even the most powerful computers. These levels of security are not really necessary as my own experience shows, but they are rigidly enforced to reassure potential member that only themselves, and their local Organiser knows that they are a member.

In conclusion there is nothing to be afraid of in joining the BNP. Nothing will happen to you at all. It’s all a big bluff. Life will go on just as it did before you were a member. You will however have that knowledge in your heart that you are actually doing something to save this country for the future of our children and grandchildren.

Thursday 18 October 2007

The Future

The Future Of Our Race

The year is 2007 currently around the world immigration has became a major problem, as Britain opens the gates to more countries to join the EU the problem has exploded immigrants are coming over in there masses. Now as the years go on and on when will the white race become a minority? And what are we doing at the moment to prevent it?

When will the white race become a minority?

If nothing is done to stop this tide of immigration the white race will become a minority and in some places in the UK and imp sure America this has already happened, places in the UK have already been over run by immigrants who don’t even like the country and whose goal is to create there own Islamic state in Britain, they are preaching hatred towards us and have political goals and ambitions. I can see in time if nothing has been done and as the minorities become more powerful at political level that the white race will be a minority by 2050 and America and Britain would have the first black president/prime minister!

And what are we doing at the moment to prevent it?

What annoys me about the movement of white political parties for lack of a better word, is there are so many in Britain we have the BNP the NNP, C18 and others in America there are even more, what I would like to see is more parties joining together and becoming more organized, why not have other parties join together and make one big force? I see this as a good idea but one that would be hard to do as there would be to much in fighting, for me the formation of several parties together into one will be a great force.

Secret Buses Transporting Immigrants Into Glasgow

There has been a secret bus journeys from England carrying immigrants to homes in Glasgow it has been revealed, the buses have been arriving around various drop off points early in the morning around 4am this is done so the general public do not see. The immigrants are then designated housing which is already furnished and in a walk in state paid for by the taxpayers of this country. Bus drivers who ferry the immigrants from England to Glasgow have had to sign strict contracts where they have been told to keep quiet or they face losing there jobs its already believed one driver has spoke up and has been sacked.